Downtown Tampa Interchange

FPIDs: 445057-1, 445056-1, 445056-2

Project Status

Safety and Operational Improvements

Construction Estimate: (as of June 2022): $223.5 million*
Construction to Begin: Fall 2023
* Present Day Cost 

Tampa’s downtown and surrounding urban core  is rich with cultural and historical resources. The Downtown Interchange and corridors of I-275, I-4 and the Selmon Expressway are key links in Florida’s interstate freeway system providing freight and passenger mobility. While they serve as important commuter routes to suburban and urban communities in the Tampa Bay region providing access to jobs, medical facilities, universities and cultural resources, the Downtown Interchange is a known chokepoint.

Tampa Bay Next will provide multimodal transportation choices to:

  • Distribute traffic more evenly for a growing and changing downtown and urban core
  • Efficiently move people and goods with connectivity throughout the region
  • Enhance travel speeds to key destinations and reduce backups
  • Connect neighborhoods with greenway and trail connections

Wait, didn’t you fix that already?

FDOT completed operational improvements to the Downtown interchange in 2006. These improvements were meant to be interim and FDOT has had a long-standing plan to redesign and reconstruct the Downtown Tampa Interchange since the late 1980s. The interchange is part of the original Tampa Interstate Study.

Construction Progress, January 2025

Construction Progress, January 2025

The Downtown Tampa Interchange, Tampa’s Westshore Interchange, and the Westshore to Downtown Tampa Corridor projects are all part of a long-standing plan to improve and modernize Tampa’s interstate system, originally called the Tampa Interstate Study (TIS). The TIS required the most rigorous evaluation process in transportation planning – an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). FDOT began theTampa Interstate Study (TIS) Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) in 2017, working with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

FDOT has been engaging with the community to receive input on alternative design concepts for the SEIS and held a public meeting in October 2017 to review the concepts and get community input. FDOT also held a second public workshop in May 2019 to further review proposed alternative options. A public hearing was held in February 2020, and FHWA approved the SEIS in September 2020.

Operational Improvements

To view the latest safety and operational improvements for the Downtown Tampa Interchange, click here.

For more information on this project or to sign-up to receive future construction updates and traffic alerts, please visit:


For more information on the SEIS, click here.

For questions about the Tampa Bay Next Program, email or call 813-975-NEXT (6398).

The Florida Department of Transportation is required to comply with various non-discrimination laws and regulations, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status.

Comuníquese con nosotros: Nos importa mucho la opinión del público sobre el proyecto. Si tiene preguntas o comentarios, o simplemente desea más información, por favor comuníquese con nosotros. Nuestro representante en español es: Manuel Flores, El Departamento de Transportación de la Florida, (813) 975-4248,