ITS, TSM&O, AV, CV…there are hundreds of acronyms floating through the transportation industry with the hopes that one, or a combination of several, will help provide congestion relief and system reliability in the Tampa Bay region. FDOT District Seven anticipates the long-term benefits of innovation will be a game-changer for the region. Through strong partnerships with our local agencies and community, we are actively researching ways to incorporate smart technology solutions and collaborate on best practices.
Not only are vehicles getting smarter with connected and autonomous vehicles, but there are innovations that we can apply to make our infrastructure smarter, better connected to the adjacent city and county networks, and more sustainable. We are looking at how techniques like ramp metering, adaptive signal and lane control, and hard shoulder running could help us get the most out of our existing freeways and arterials, while the local agencies are continuously looking at ways to improve the local streets. In addition, we are looking at ways to incorporate renewable energy sources, like solar, in to our roadway and trail designs.